dhf members of the Timber and Metal Doorset Groups provide solutions for all applications. Acoustic control within buildings can be a complex area that has traditionally involved specialist advisers. However, with the increase in specifically designed shared office space buildings and increased levels of ‘house sharing’ in conjunction with increased levels in noise sources, it has raised awareness amongst the layman that has encouraged measures to reduce problems resulting from noise pollution.
A requirement within Approved Document E 2003, as amended in 2015 includes ‘Protection against sound from other parts of the building and adjoining buildings'. Since the amends in 2015, section E4 of the approved document contains information on schools. The document states that each room or other space in a school building shall be designed and constructed in such a way that it has the acoustic condition and the insulation against disturbance by noise appropriate to its intended use.
Section E2.26 states ‘Ensure that any door has good perimeter sealing (including the threshold where practical) and a minimum mass per unit area of 25kg/m2 or minimum sound reduction index of 29dB Rw. The door should also satisfy the Requirements of Building Regulation Part B – Fire Safety.
The effects of acoustic privacy and noise pollution are subjective and influenced by factors such as background noise within the room, distance from sound source and general intended use of the room, amongst other considerations. When considering walls containing doors, the combined performance of both elements may be relevant; with the proportion of door to wall being particularly important and whether the door has glazing or it also serves as a fire door.
Various documents, including BS 8214, H.T.M. 58 (hospital and health building) and SSLD7 (schools and education buildings) stress the importance of specifying the appropriate classification of doors to ensure long-term performance under anticipated uses.
The following European standards are used to test doors against strength and durability.
BS EN 1192:2000 classifies the strength performance of doorsets based on the following test methods:
BS EN 1192:2000 also identifies tolerances for doors based on the methods for measurement within:
BS EN 12400:2002 classifies the performance of windows and pedestrian doors in respect of repeated opening and closing based on the following test method:
BS EN 12217 defines the classification of the test results for the forces to open/close doors and to engage/release and lock/unlock the hardware using a key or handle, after testing in accordance with the following test method:
Fire resistance is one of the most fundamental performance criteria for doorsets. Doorsets intended for use against fires must be third party certificated and comply with Part B of the Approved Documents.
Approved Document B sets out the requirements relating to the escape of building occupants and access for fire-fighters with insurers and advisory organisations being particularly concerned with the protection of property.
Approved Document B calls for fire resistance periods of 30 and 60 minutes when tested against either BS 476 part 22 or BS EN 1634-1.
It is now well acknowledged that, in the event of fire, it is smoke that is the major risk to occupants. Only ambient (cold) smoke is identified in Approved Document B and refers to tests being carried out against either BS 476 part 31.1 or BS EN 1634-3 standards.
Other guidance for specific building types are available for example:
BS 8214 is the ‘Code of practice for timber based fire door assemblies’ and deals with most aspects of fire doors. It gives recommendations for the specification, installation and maintenance of timber-based fire doors. The recommendations are applicable to timber-based hinged or pivoted pedestrian door assemblies or door leaves, fitted into frames of any material.
It is only applicable to door assemblies that are designed to provide fire resistance ratings of up to and including 2 h when tested in accordance with BS 476-22 or BS EN 1634-1.
It is applicable to fire performance and smoke control. It does not cover security, ergonomic factors, or functional performance other than with respect to fire resistance. It does not cover impact safety of glazing, recommendations for which are given in BS 6262-4. Nor does it include doorsets which are covered in BS EN 16034.
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